Happy Canada Day!

On the First Half of the Year

It feels like just yesterday that Boundary Country was shifting into winter gear.

Since then we have dealt with flood and with fire, and the glow of summer has entered into full swing.

It is now July, a good month for throwing disc golfs around. This is the season for walking among the ancient Ponderosa pine trees that fill our landscape and reflecting on their majesty; for eating hot dogs while watching baseball; for grabbing a paddle and playing a round of pickleball.

It is a time to discover the bright jewels of our region—to paddle the lakes, hike the mountains, and explore Ice Age artifacts hidden roadside.

Oh, Canada!

This Canada Day, many of us are aware that Canada is not perfect; turmoil besets us.

The housing market is a disaster, for one, and our immigration policy does not help. Our taxpayer-funded “broadcasting corporation” is a state-managed propaganda factory. Hard drug use is up through the province of BC and causing a worrying amount of deaths.

Some people even want to cancel Canada Day.

We could go on, but let’s focus on the positive: Canada is a beautiful country filled with wonderful people and we should celebrate it.

And on July 1st, nothing else matters besides honouring this important fact.

Happy Canada Day, Boundary Country!